(1) Whenever and where ever the National Association, the State Association, the District or Divisional Association and the Local Association consists of Scouts and Guides, there shall be a Scout Wing and Guide Wing.
(2) There shall be no common membership of boys and girls in Pack, Troop and Crew are meant for boys, whereas Flock, Company and Team shall consist of Girls and there shall be a separate Group for Pack, Troop and Crew and a separate Group for Flock, Company and Team.
(3) Though separate, perfect co-operation, harmony and cordiality shall prevail between the Scout Wing and the Guide Wing.
(4) Training shall be separate for boys and girls at all levels. Training of Commissioners may be separate or common; training of Scouters and Guiders shall be separate except in the case of Special Courses, for which special permission of the Chief National Commissioner or the State Chief Commissioner as the case may be is necessary; boys and girls may, however, be brought together at Rallies and at other special functions with the permission of the concerned Commissioners, Exchange of Scout and Guide Instructors is also permissible with the approval of the concerned Commissioners. External Relations:
(1) The National Association is affiliated to the World Origanisation of Scout Movement and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.
(2) The National Association maintains friendly and cordial relations with other National Organisations of similar character and purpose.
Registration of Indian Groups/ Associations:
Any unit or Association of Indian Cubs, Scouts, Rovers/ Bulbuls, Guides, Rangers functioning outside India may be registered as such with the National Headquarters on the recommendation of the Chief National Commissioner either as a lone Unit or an Overseas District Association under the direct supervision of National Headquarters.
Process of Registration
1. Registration of National Association: The National Association is a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.
2. Affiliation of State Association: The State Association is affiliated to the National Association. The State Association shall pay the prescribed Affiliation Fee and Annual Renewal Fee.
3. Registration of Divisional or District or Local Association : The Divisional, District and the Local Association shall be registered with the State Association. The Divisional District Association and Local Association shall pay prescribed Registration fee and the Annual Renewal Fee.
4. Registration of a Group : A Group is registered with the State Association through the local Association/ District Association; the Group shall pay the Registration and Renewal fees as fixed by the respective Association and the Individual Registration Fees as fixed by the State Association
5. Registration of a Lone Group : A Lone Group may, for special reasons, be registered directly with the State Association, on the recommendation of the concerned District Commissioner. The Lone Group shall pay the Registration Fee, Individual Registration Fee and Annual Renewal Fee.
6. Cancellation of Registration: (a) The State Chief Commissioner may, either suomoto or on the recommendation of the concerned Local Association or district or Divisional Association or the District or Divisional Commissioner, suspend the registration of a Group, on such suspension an enquiry by such person and on such line as may be directed, shall be conducted. The Group shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to make representation at such enquiry. On completion of such enquiry the State Chief Commissioner may either withdraw the suspension or for reasons to be recorded cancel the registration of the Group.
(b) The concerned District Commissioner or the Divisional or District Association or Local Association may suspend the registration of a Group; on such suspension an enquiry by such person and on such lines as may be directed shall be conducted; at such enquiry the Group shall be given an opportunity to be heard and make representation; on completion of such enquiry the concerned District Commissioner may make recommendation to the State Chief Commissioner for cancellation of registration of the Group and the State Chief Commissioner may on perusal of the papers or on such further enquiry as he may hold or direct either; withdraw the suspension or cancel the registration of the Group.
(c) Against the order of suspension by the District Commissioner or District or Divisional Association or Local Association an appeal shall lie with the State Chief Commissioner and the State Chief Commissioner may on such enquiry as he may direct, withdraw the suspension.