- The Membership of the State Association is open to citizens of India, who subscribe to the Purpose and Objects and are residing within the territorial jurisdiction of the State Association.
Provided,citizen of any other National residing for the time being within the territorial jurisdiction of the State Association may be admitted as a member on the recommendation of the State Chief Commissioner and the approval of the Chief National Commissioner.
Provide, further that such person subscribes to the Scout or Guide Promise as hereunder:
On my Honour I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God* and India
To help other people and
To obey the Scout / Guide Law.
Note * The word " Dharma" may be substituted for the word " God" if so desired.
General Members:
- Beneficiaries i.e. Bunnies, Cubs/ Bulbuls, Scouts / Guides, Rovers/ Rangers, Sea Scouts/ Sea Guides, Sea Rovers/ Sea Rangers, Air Scouts / Air Guides, Air Rovers/ Air Rangers Grameen Rovers/ Rangers, Venture Scouts / Guides, Scouts/ Guides/ Rovers/ Rangers of Extension Branches registered as such.
- Adult Leaders, i.e. Scouters, Guiders Commissioners, who hold valid warrants and Trainers who hold Honorable Charges.
Life Members:
Life Members are those who are admitted as such by the State Executive Committee and who have paid Life Membership Fee as prescribed. -
Ordinary Members
Ordinary Members are those who are admitted as such by the State Executive Committee and who have paid Annual Subscription Fee as prescribed and shall include Adult Leaders provided further that they are not in arrears. - Member of the Divisional or District and Local Association.
Institutional Members:
Institutional Members are those who are admitted as such by the State Executive Committee and who have paid subscription Fee as prescribed provided, further, that they are not in arrears. - Special Members are those who are admitted as such by the State Executive Committee for their meritorious contribution to the Movement.
Termination of Membership :
- If any member is found guilty of criminal offence, involving moral turpitude, his/ her membership shall be terminated and any award/privilege shall be withdrawn.
- If any member while supporting any other Parallel Organization with malafide intentions is found indulging in activities detrimental to the interests of the movement or bring disrepute to the organization by way of writings in publications/ media or confirmed propaganda against the interests of the movement/organization shall be liable to be terminated from the organization provided due enquiry takes place and due opportunity is provided to the persons(s) to be heard.
- If any member of the Bharat Scouts & Guides is found to be a member of any Parallel organization working in the name of Scouting and Guiding or is found aiding and abetting the activities of such an organization, his/ her membership of the Bharat Scouts and Guides will be terminated.