- Every appointment to every Executive Rank shall be made by a Warrant.
- The Chief National Commissioner shall issue a warrant to.
- The National Commissioner of Scouts.
- The National Commissioner of Guides, and
- The State Chief Commissioner.
- A warrant signed by the Chief National Commissioner and the concerned National Commissioner shall be issued to.
- The International Commissioner of Scouts.
- The International Commissioner of Guides
- The Deputy National Commissioner of Scouts.
- The Deputy National Commissioner of Guides.
- National Headquarters Commissioner.
- Director
- Joint Director (Support Services)
- Joint Director of Scouts (Field Operations)
- Joint Director of Guides (Field Operations)
- Deputy Director of Scouts (Boy Programme)
- Deputy Director of Guides (Girl Programme)
- Deputy Director of Scouts (Leader Training)
- Deputy Director of Guides (Leader Training)
- Deputy Director of Scouts (Projects)
- Deputy Director of Guides (Projects)
- Assistant Directors
- Regional Organising Commissioners of scouts
- Regional Organising Commissioners of Guides
- The State Commissioners of Scouts
- The State Commissioner of Guides
- A warrant signed by the State Chief Commissioner and the concerned State Commissioner shall be is issued to.
- Headquarters Commissioners of Scouts.
- Headquarters Commissioners of Guides
- Assistant State Commissioners of Scouts
- Assistant State Commissioners of Guides
- The District Chief Commissioners.
- The District or Divisional Commissioners of Scouts.
- The District or Divisional Commissioners of Guides.
- The State Organising Commissioner of Scouts.
- The State Organising Commissioner of Guides
- The Joint or Assistant State Training Commissioner of Scouts.
- The Joint or Assistant State Organising Commissioner of Guides.
- The State Training Commissioner of Scouts.
- The State Training Commissioner of Guides.
- The Assistant State Training Commissioner of Scouts.
- The Assistant State Training Commissioner of Guides.
- The District organising Commissioners of Scouts.
- The District organising Commissioners of Guides.
- The District Training Commissioners of Scouts.
- The District Training Commissioners of Guides.
- The Assistant District Commissioners of Scouts.
- The Assistant District Commissioners of Guides
- The District Headquarters Commissioners of Scouts.
- The District Headquarters' Commissioners of Scouts.
- The District Headquarters' Commissioners of Guides.
- The Warden for the Camp Sites.
- Assistant Warden for the Camp sites.
- The Group Scouters.
- The Group Guiders.
- The warrant will be valid for the period for which a person is appointed or elected as the case may be, in the case of stipendiary Commissioners, the warrant shall be valid for the term of appointment.
- On the expiry of a period of warrant the holder shall continue to perform the functions and duties till a successor is appointed, unless otherwise directed.
- Notwithstanding the period mentioned in the warrant, the warrant shall cease to be in force when the holder discontinues or fails to perform the functions and duties for which the warrant is issued.
- Pluralities: No person shall be eligible to hold two or more warrants at the same time and no person shall be eligible to hold a warrant of any other rank at the same time.
Provided the Chief National Commissioner or the State Chief Commissioner, as the case may be in any exceptional case and in the interest of the movement, permit any person to hold more than one warrant or a warranted rank and any other rank.
Provided, however, no person shall hold a warrant of more than one State Association.
- Procedure for issue of Warrants:
- i) Consent in the Proforma prescribed is necessary for warrant for the rank of National Commissioner of Scouts and National Commissioner of Guides these warrants shall be issued by the Chief National Commissioner.
(ii) As soon as appointment is made for any other rank of Commissioner at the National Level (on the receipt of the consent in the prescribed proforma) warrants shall be prepared by the Director and placed for the signature of the concerned National Commissioner and the ChiefNational Commissioner.
- (i) As soon as election is completed for the rank of State Chief Commissioner, the declaration of the result by the Returning Officer along with a request letter and a declaration in the proforma prescribed from the person concerned accepting the post, be sent to the Chief National Commissioner for issue of warrant.
(ii) State Chief Commissioner recommends the names of State Commissioner of Scouts and State Commissioner of Guides along with a request of proforma prescribed to the Chief National Commissioner for issue of Warrant.
- As soon as appointment is made for any other rank of Commissionersat State level the Secretary shall place the warrant alongwith a request- the proforma prescribed before the concerned State Commissioner and the State Chief Commissioner for signature and issue.
- As soon as appointment is made for District Chief Commissioner, District or Divisional Commissioner of Scouts/ Guides, the Secretary shall place the warrantalongwith a request proforma prescribed before the concerned State Commissioner and the State Chief Commissioner for signature and issue.
- As soon as appointment is made for District Organising Commissioner of scouts/ Guides, District Training Commissioner of Scouts/ Guides, Assistant District Commissioner for Scouts/ Guides of District and Local Association, the Secretary shall place the warrant alongwithrequest in the proforma prescribed before the concerned State Commissioner and the State Chief Commissioner for signature and issue.
- In the case of warrant for Group Leader (Scout) and Group Leader (Guide) of sponsored Group, applications duly recommended by the concerned sponsoring authority will be sent in the prescribed proforma. In case of warrants for Scouters or Guiders of such Group, applications recommended by the sponsoring authority and the Group Leader (Scout)/ Group Leader (Guide) will be sent in the prescribed proforma.
- In case of warrants for Scouters or Guiders of Open Groups, application shall be made by the Chairman of Group Committee on the recommendation of the Group Leader in the prescribed proforma.
- If any application for issue of warrant under clause (vii) above is refused by DA/LA as the ease may be, DA/LA should refer such case to the State Chief Commissioner specifying the reasons for such refusal and in that event State Chief Commissioner will take the final decision in consultation with the concerned Sate Commissioner in respect of the issue of the warrant.
If any application for renewal of warrants is refused by DA or LA as the case may be, the DA/LA shall refer the case to the State Chief Commissioner specifying reasons for such refusal and in that event the State Chief Commissioner will take the final decision (for reasons to be specifically recorded in writing) in consultation with the State Commissioner concerned regarding the renewal.
- Renewal of Warrants: The warrant shall be renewed by the same authority who had issued the warrants following the same procedure prescribed for issue of warrants as such.
- Withdrawal of Warrants: Warrants issued by the Chief National Commissioner may be withdrawn, for reasons to be given in writing by the Chief National Commissioner in consultation with National Commissioner concerned and Warrants issued by the State Chief Commissioner may be withdrawn, for reasons to be given in writing by the State Chief Commissioner in consultation with the State Commissioner concerned.
National Executive Committee or State Executive Committee as the case may be, will be consulted in respect of withdrawal of warrants of National Commissioner and State Commissioners respectively.